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 josekm For GM

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-05-19

josekm For GM Empty
PostSubject: josekm For GM   josekm For GM Icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 10:14 pm

Hi there ;

My real name is jose
My in-game would be Dead

I am 20year old

I currently keep my eyes on GunZ & School

Location: peru , lima

Time Zone: -1 ,Brussel

How to contact me ?
Hotmail :

Pevious Experience: I was forum mod in Widigunz , and in-game mod in TerrierMon
On schooldays I could play 2-3 hours a day
In the vacation I could play like 6-7 hours a day

I can ban all the noob-hackers.

Why should be hired?
Im Really friendly
Its my responsibility for mly wrong actions
I am thoughtful of other
Very loyal person
I don't liek ego
Never Abuse my powers

Fluently English

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